Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I got promoted. After all the wait (which really I guess wasn’t that long) and all the struggle it was for me to accept that the other jobs I went for were not the right ones, I finally got the job that was right for me! I will be moving back home to be closer to my bestest friends and my family! It’s been 3 years being away and it is a relief to know that we will be taken care of and close to a place that we are familiar with. My husband will be happy to be back near his friends and in a city he knows that isn’t Los Angeles. We may have to be apart for a few weeks to a month but it will all be for the best, and not like we haven’t done that already this year (for three month’s while he was taking care of his Dad). So thank goodness I was granted the serenity I needed and I will be starting my new job in 2 days… Wish me luck Smile

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Up at 3 in the morning again... only this time I blame my husband! He started playing a new game that exhilirates him enough to play till the wee hours of the morning. Of course I wake up and he's able to quickly go back to sleep. Lucky him. Instead of watching tv I'm trying to read my new book but I think it might actually be keeping me awake because I'm enjoying reading it. I have my interview today at 11 for the job I am hoping is mine so I kind of have a lot on my mind. Perhaps I will move to the couch and commense mission "fall asleep with the tv on".

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.



Maybe if I keep repeating this to myself it will help…

I’ve been looking up things on patience and it is very interesting to me. I know that I am an impatient person, but not in the sense that most websites talk about. I guess my impatience is really towards the things that I can not do anything about, or at least that which I do not think I can do anything about. I cannot make a decision for someone else and I it is hard for me to wait to hear a decision that will effect my life from someone else. Once the decision is made I can deal with it, I may be upset for a little while but I can definitely deal with it. I am not as impatient and I think I am… (I’m now imagining a little train going “I think I can, I think I can”). I know I can… I just have to wait for someone else to know I can too.

That I can't seem to practice or understand in any terms. I thought I was on the right track but in all honesty I am going crazy with wonder and planning. The thoughts going on in my mind are making me crazy with anticipation, dread, fervor for something that I feel should happen on my time... not someone else's. Why do I feel like things should always happen on my terms? Why do I feel like everyone should be thinking about me? There is no real reason for this just the fact that I need to work on this! How will I ever be satisfied with my life if I am always expecting things to go my way and happen when I. Want them too? I am lucky for the things that have happened on my time so far in my life... can't I just be satisfied that I have a future somewhere? I really need to do something nice for my husband. He puts up a lot with me and my craziness. But what?

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Two years ago today I said goodbye. It doesn’t hurt any less today than it did then. I miss your laugh, I miss your voice and your hugs and your advice. I miss going to visit you and hearing about all the things that were happening with work. I miss you and knowing that you were always there for me, no matter what. I wish you had been able to walk me down the aisle and dance with me on my wedding day. I wish you were here for me to tell you, Happy Father’s Day. I’m sorry that I didn’t make a big enough deal about it before, when I had the chance. I hope you’re still with me and that you’re proud of me and what I have become in the last two years. I miss you Daddy.
Your oochy boochy girl.

I started feeling better yesterday. Even though I had to go into work for the 5th day in a row (not too bad, but kind of odd in retail) I decided to give up being sad and hurt by the fact that I did not get promoted. People don’t get promoted all the time, and people don’t always get promoted right when they want too and I now know that I am no different. It felt good to just go on being my normal self and back to being Auriella.

Then, we had a rough night. I didn’t sleep well, and I feel like I’ve been fighting with my husband since about 11pm last night. I’m trying to let go of that too because I know I will feel better when I do. We don’t deal with things in the same way, and his way is to be silent while my way is to scream and shout and get it all out. Once again, life will go on. I’m trying to let it go.

Now, as I’ve begun to let things happen in my life that I wanted to have control over, there is another job open that would allow me to move closer to our families. It’s definitely worth a shot and I’m going to give it all I have. So, please wish me luck, or pray for me or keep me in your thoughts… whatever you choose but it would be greatly appreciated Smile

Friday, June 17, 2011

Alright… I think I’ve figured it out. I am upset that I didn’t get the job (or the other 2 that I have gone for in the last month), there is no denying that. What I am really upset about though, is that I wasn’t the right candidate. Does that mean that I am mad at all the other people who did get the job… well no. I just want to be the right candidate!

Alright, so maybe I haven’t figured it out. I probably never will. I can put a smile on my face and continue on like I am not angry or upset and that will probably work for awhile, but I just don’t know what to do. I spent a few minutes this morning looking to see what other jobs are open in California and that didn’t really make me feel any better. This is what I want to do! I don’t want to settle on something else. I was worried that if I kept going to each job that opened up that people would start to talk about me just wanting to be out of the position that I am in now. I have decided that I can’t think that way because if I do I will never move on to my next step. What would look like that though is if I just went for any job that was open right now. Any job that could possibly get me out of the place that I am in now.

Sure, I am not at my happiest in the place that I am now. I live in a crappy apartment that is way too small for 2 people and a dog. I think the worst part of what I am feeling is stagnant. I feel like I have done so much in the last year and I am back to where I started a year ago. I don’t know what to do. Find something else to concentrate on perhaps, but what? I can’t even make a tasty peanut butter and jelly sandwich I am in such a funk!

I don’t have money to put in to some new hobby, or even the hobbies that I currently have. I have bills to pay, and I’m trying to get my credit up to a point where we could some day buy a house or another new car. I guess I just need to pick up something I have already started and get excited about something… anything in my life. I should probably get ready for work… I need to be there in a little more than an hour Sad smile

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Well, as usual I am not very good at keeping up a blog. I’m going to try to start over again…

As other things in my life are starting to fall apart (or at least they are feeling like that), then I have to figure that I need to do something to keep myself together. I will continue to talk about books and my reading, and hopefully my writing as well, but I may include some stuff about my personal life. Starting now.

I have been rejected from 3 different jobs in the past month or so. I am doing my very best not to be upset about it, but it’s definitely starting to wear on me. Am I not good enough? Am I ever going to get promoted again? Should I be looking for something different to do? I know that all 3 of those jobs weren’t the right one… that the right job will come along but I am not good at being patient. I am very antsy about moving on with my life as I didn’t think it would take this long to move forward in my career. I know that there are other things that I can be concentrating on and that will just have to be my personal life instead.


I am currently reading “The Happiness Project”

and I don’t think that I like it. I think it might be making me feel like I’m not doing enough in my life, or in my marriage to make sure that I am happy. Sure… I know that I am dwelling on not getting promoted right now but gosh darn it I think I deserve to be miserable about it, at least for a little while. In all honestly, I know who I am and what I can do, and I know that eventually someone else will see that and give me a job where I can use all of my energy, creative juices and maybe get better compensated for it. For right now I want to be miserable and upset. At least until tomorrow. I’ll keep posting on the Happiness Project… maybe it will get better and I continue to read it. Maybe it will convince me to move on with my life.

Sunday, March 27, 2011
On I entered the Jane Eyre Challenge as you can see on the right side menu area of my blog. My husband came home today and offered to take me to see the movie at the theater, because I've been talking about seeing it for a few days now and he knew that I wouldn't want to see his movie (Sucker Punch). 

They did a really good job with this movie, although because it was so short (at only a little over 2 hours) their love seemed a little odd since they'd only interacted a handful of times before he professed his love. Also, Rochester looked like Abe Lincoln. My husband even pulled out a penny in the middle of the movie in order to make a visual comparison. I still enjoyed watching the movie and I am glad that they re-did it again in a movie that I could probably watch again. 

Of course now I feel like I might want to read it again. I downloaded it on my kindle so that I can read it again if I want to... but I have so many other books that I should be reading. I've started like 6 novels that I feel like I may never open up again. It wouldn't be bad to read Jane Eyre again but I really feel like it brings me in to this weird Jane Eyre depression feeling, which only makes me love Charlotte Bronte even more! Or maybe I should switch it up a little and read Villette instead? 

I guess we'll see when I turn on my kindle as I jump into bed in a few minutes. Wish me luck on a good choice, because the wrong (or right) choice could mean less sleep for the next few days or weeks.
Timeless by Emma Eliot

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Product Description

Emily St. Clair thinks she leads a normal life until chilling dreams begin to torment her with images of dangerous secrets and fatal encounters. Plagued by visions of a witch whose face afflicts her, waking or sleeping, Emily longs to know the handsome knight who defends her in her dreams. She awakens with his name on her lips: Sir Damien de Lioncoeur, the legendary Black Knight of Montavere. Shivering with anticipation, Emily uncovers her past life in the thirteenth century. Led to the mystical castle ruins near Stonehenge, Emily returns to the place of her dreams, but she finds more than her knight, for something evil stalks her through time...

Product Details

Format: Kindle Edition

File Size: 346 KB

Print Length: 264 pages

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services

Language: English


Lending: Enabled

Average Customer Review: 3.1 out of 5 stars

Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #3,795 Paid in Kindle Store

#41 in Books > Children's Books > People & Places > Girls & Women

#32 in Kindle Store > Books > Children's eBooks > People & Places > Girls & Women

#23 in Kindle Store > Books > Fiction > Fantasy > Historical

My thoughts...

After reading the product description about this book, recommended to me by Amazon based on my previous downloads I actually decided to pay $0.99 for it (big spender, right?). As usual, Amazon nailed it right on the head about another book that i would enjoy.

Emily's journey through relationships and herself to find the love of her lives (since he was actually from a previous life) was a journey that Emma Eliot was able to yarn a great story around. There were tormenting times where I wanted to yell at Emily for making the wrong decisions but in the end she got what she wanted and what you expected from the very beginning. There were no real plot twists that I wasn't expecting, or anything that hasn't really been written before. It was a quick and enjoyable read and I would definitely be willing to try another book by Emma Eliot (or Amanda Paris as explained at the end of Timeless before a preview for Shattered supposedly coming soon).

View all my reviews
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I have officially finished the Trylle Trilogy from Amanda Hocking. I was correct in the fact that I finished Torn the day after my last post and purchased Ascend that evening. I wasn't able to really start it that night because I was really tired but I did finish it yesterday. I think the whole series was great, and I'm sad that they are over :( I really enjoy Amanda's writing. Her ideas are great and her writing in this series was done rather well, and rather original. What I don't like is that they aren't very long. I know that I am a fast reader, but when I can finish a whole book in like 2 days without really trying then it could have been longer. Not that the stories are completed because they totally are. I am full of ideas tonight... but none are as important as saying that the whole Trylle series was great and if it does truly become a movie I wish Amanda the best and she should write another novel because I'm ready!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
As I am sure you can see, I have finished Switched and have now started Torn. I was so tired when I was finally finished but I had to buy it right away and start immediately. It was a good ending... I already knew that there was a second (and a third) in the series so there was no surprise there but it was nice that the story she had begun was mostly finished at the end of Switched. I have already mentioned that I was skeptical about liking this series of Amanda Hocking's but I am super glad that I decided to go ahead and read it. 
It will be interesting to see how Torn turns out. Since it is the second in the series, I do not really know where the story is going to go, or if the story will finish as it did in the first. At least with the first one you are just getting into the storyline and learning who the characters are. My guess is this one will be about learning the *spoiler alert* world of her father and then perhaps the last one will be her choice between which world she wants to rule? 

Regardless, I think that this story of Amanda's is much more original than her "My Blood Approves" series (which doesn't make me like it any less). We'll see how the third one goes, since I'll probably finish Torn tonight or tomorrow and start it tomorrow! Gotta love my Kindle.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I am officially 68% of the way through Switched by Amanda Hocking. I have already read her "My Blood Approves" series and awaiting the next installment. I have read that this Trylle Series is her most successful, but reading the blurb I wasn't quite sure it was exactly what i was looking forward to reading... see what you think.

"When Wendy Everly was six years old, her mother was convinced she was a monster and tried to kill her. It isn't until eleven years later that Wendy discovers her mother might have been right.

With the help of Finn Holmes, Wendy finds herself in a world she never knew existed - a world both beautiful and frightening, and Wendy's not sure she wants to be a part of it."

Well, regardless of whether it sounded like my cup of tea, there has been a lot of talk recently about Amanda's success as a self publisher on the Kindle. I would love to have success as a writer some day so I have a lot of respect for Amanda and I thought I would give it a try. I even paid the whoppin' $.99, which is strange considering my books as of late have all been of the free persuasion. Anyway, now that I am 68% of the way through the book, I am sure that I will be reading the next two in the series very shortly. It's a great fantasy concept and unlike "My Blood Approves", has nothing to do with Vampires and is a world completely created by Amanda. I definitely recommend it, at least so far!
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2021 Reading Challenge

2021 Reading Challenge
Auriella has read 5 books toward her goal of 30 books.

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About Me

I am a happily married 30-something year old, with a full time career and the cutest pug named Lilly, and pughuahua named Daisy. I love to talk about what I'm reading, so I hope you come back and feel free to comment along with me.
