Sunday, March 13, 2011
I have officially finished the Trylle Trilogy from Amanda Hocking. I was correct in the fact that I finished Torn the day after my last post and purchased Ascend that evening. I wasn't able to really start it that night because I was really tired but I did finish it yesterday. I think the whole series was great, and I'm sad that they are over :( I really enjoy Amanda's writing. Her ideas are great and her writing in this series was done rather well, and rather original. What I don't like is that they aren't very long. I know that I am a fast reader, but when I can finish a whole book in like 2 days without really trying then it could have been longer. Not that the stories are completed because they totally are. I am full of ideas tonight... but none are as important as saying that the whole Trylle series was great and if it does truly become a movie I wish Amanda the best and she should write another novel because I'm ready!


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Auriella has read 5 books toward her goal of 30 books.

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I am a happily married 30-something year old, with a full time career and the cutest pug named Lilly, and pughuahua named Daisy. I love to talk about what I'm reading, so I hope you come back and feel free to comment along with me.
