Thursday, February 11, 2021

This is the best book I’ve read all year. Now, I know the year just started so that may not seem like saying much but honestly, I really enjoyed reading it. 

If you do not like Shakespeare, then I do not recommend reading this book. It definitely brought me back to my college years of studying the language and looking for more than what the written word says. I was hungry to understand what was being felt by especially the main character, but also all of the friends that the story was about. It was truly a masterpiece.

I spent the last two days reading it. Happy that I had time during a planned yet unplanned week off work. I’ve been burning the candle at both ends as they say and spending far too much of my waking time focused on other people’s problems as well as trying to get my work done. Knowing I deserved the time off, doesn’t make actually taking the time off much easier but reading this book made me happy to have the time to lounge and enjoy. 

The words are still circling around in my brain and making me feel giddy for having spent so much time enjoying and relaxing in them. Seriously, if you enjoy a good quasi-mystery and Shakespeare, definitely check it out.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

 It is now the year 2021 and I will attempt to begin this blog again. It’s been years since I’ve had a blog and felt such an urge to write my thoughts more than speak them out loud. Feel free to join me on this journey. First, I shall start with a little bit about me.

I am now a young woman in my mid-thirties, though my brain is sometimes confused and it feels as though I am much younger than I truly am and that I am also at times, much older. My hobbies consist of the mundane and solitaire... I spend time enjoying being alone with myself often crafting of the stitching persuasion - both cross-stitch and knitting. I also enjoy reading, much to my poor husband’s displeasure. When spending time together with him, we enjoy a good movie and also playing board games with each other and friends.

This last year has been trying on all of us. Forced to spend time alone in our homes, and wishing we were using this time to make ourselves better instead of just letting the time run past us and move at both the most rapid pace that time has ever moved in my lifetime and also at the slowest it has ever moved at the same time. Nothing like a global pandemic to make you try to take stock of what is most precious while also trying not to let the most precious in our life out of our grasp. I have not learned any new skills, even though I have had many intentions to do so but instead spent far too much time on social media and watching the television for hopes of escaping reality.

Instead of dwelling on the fact that I have not taken the time to better myself, I have decided to embrace my love of knitting, cross-stitching and reading and perhaps find something to write about again. Though I doubt that anyone will truly enjoy my musings here, I will do my best to make it a regular habit to discuss the things that I read, and perhaps share some of the thoughts that until recently have been trapped in my mind. 

Until next time,


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2021 Reading Challenge

2021 Reading Challenge
Auriella has read 5 books toward her goal of 30 books.

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About Me

I am a happily married 30-something year old, with a full time career and the cutest pug named Lilly, and pughuahua named Daisy. I love to talk about what I'm reading, so I hope you come back and feel free to comment along with me.
