Saturday, July 12, 2014
It has almost been a year since the last time I posted anything and so much has changed! We have moved back to Los Angeles and sold our Condo in Oxnard. I now work in a bigger store with more foot traffic than I have ever experienced in my life. And right now I am feeling unhappy.
There have been a few things that have happened to me in the last few weeks at work and honestly it's probably the last few months, since time passes quickly and yet not quickly enough. I am thinking that I want to try to find something different to do but I have no possible clue for what that could be. Part of me thinks I need a fresh start and a new challenge that could entail leaving the company that I have worked for, for over 8 years now. But when I even consider this it makes me nervous knowing that I have no other work experience. What the hell am I going to do?
Perhaps I should request a pep-talk from my manager or my store manager? I am not sure this would help. Do I want them to know that I am having issues... probably not. Every day that I go to work I feel like time is my enemy and I never have enough of it. I just don't see being where I am for very long. I need a sign.
I'd like to actually write my book that I have been thinking about for 5 years. I have all of the ideas but they aren't exactly free flowing on to a page right now. There is no time. When I get home from work I eat dinner and fall asleep. I'm not even watching any TV shows right now! I need to do something that makes me happy.
I know I have felt like this before but I can't remember how I got out of it. Did I just move on to another job? Did I just find happiness in what I was doing? I can't remember. I wish I could do something, anything, to not feel the way that I have been feeling. One day at a time, I guess.
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2021 Reading Challenge

2021 Reading Challenge
Auriella has read 5 books toward her goal of 30 books.

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About Me

I am a happily married 30-something year old, with a full time career and the cutest pug named Lilly, and pughuahua named Daisy. I love to talk about what I'm reading, so I hope you come back and feel free to comment along with me.
